Although pre-emptive right of tenant is not a new topic, but there is still a huge controversy over it in our country. 房屋承租人优先购买权问题虽然不是一个新课题,但在我国一直存在较大争议。
Point out that, in reality, the behavior that the lessee exercised pre-emptive right became a kind of fine long hair idle exercise injuring others and ruin oneself in fact at the same time. 同时指出,在现实中承租人行使优先购买权的行为实质上成为了一种损人不利己的毫无意义的行为。
Secondly, priority of the community owners includes not only includes pre-emptive rights, but also the rental right priorities. 其次,对于业主的优先权,应当将其定性为既包括优先购买权,又包括优先承租权,且优先权的存续贯穿区分所有建筑物存续的始终。
At the situation that the efficacy conflicts between the part owner and the tenant, the preemption right of the part owner in preference to the pre-emptive right of renter. 在共有人先买权与承租人先买权发生冲突的情形下,共有人先买权的效力优先于承租人先买权的效力。
Chapter four discusses the values of the system of pre-emptive right of lessee of lodge. 第四章是房屋承租人优先购买权制度的价值探讨。
Pre-emptive rights of shareholders of a limited liability company shareholder transfers its capital contribution to the shareholders other than the approval of the majority of all shareholders, other shareholders of the company under the same conditions, the contribution to enjoy the priority to buy the right. 股东优先购买权是指我国的有限责任公司股东经全体股东过半数的同意,向股东以外的人转让其出资时,公司其他股东在同等条件下,对该出资享有优先购买的权利。
And when the lessee and times the lessee preemptive right conflict, gives priority to the lessee times the lessee to exercise the pre-emptive right practice more accord with preferential buy right legislation goals and fair value idea. 而当承租人与次承租人的优先购买权发生冲突之时,赋予次承租人优先于承租人行使优先购买权的做法更符合优先购买权的立法目的和公平的价值理念。
Pre-emptive right of shareholders should not be exercised by part, unless the investor and the investment company have accepted it. 股东优先购买权不得部分行使,除非转让股东与被投资公司同意。
The fourth part of the thesis is a brief description of applicable scope of pre-emptive right of tenant, proposing my own point of view. 第四部分对房屋承租人优先购买权的适用范围进行了简单描述,针对若干特殊问题,提出自己的看法。
Consequently, the institution of pre-emptive right as one of the methods to limit the transfer of shares must be designed considering both interests of the shareholders who want to transfer and the others. 因此,作为限制股权转让措施之一的股东优先购买权也必须始终以二者之间的利益平衡为基础进行制度设计。
First, it states condition of achieving legal pre-emptive right of real estate should have lawful basic legal relation. 分析不动产法定优先购买权的取得条件必须存在法定的基础法律关系。